Infinity. Fluidity. Balance. Trust. Strength.

The State of Happiness: Protecting and Trusting Yourself

Therefore, it is very important in every relationship both personal and professional, to be aware of the values you hold and to protect those values by also observing the values in others.  Not the values they claim by word, but the values they show in deed.  And, if you happen to find those values are inconsistent or incompatible with your own, to disengage, the earlier the better.  This is an important principle of Self-Defense because it is also a principle of Self-Protection or Self-Preservation.  It is a principle that will not be followed if you do not value the principle of self.  If you do not see the self as worthy of protection, you will hardly think it important to take the actions to protect the values that you hold.  In this case, I do not see how any level of happiness is possible whether you believe in the state or the moment of happiness.  For, that happiness will be in the unenviable, vulnerable, and precarious place of disturbance, thwarted by those closest to you for reasons that are well within your control, but that too may be completely unbeknownst to you.

The Value of Seriousness and its undervaluing in American Society: The Challenge of Shinsei

Seriousness is the individual ability to assign value to important things.  Seriousness is the basis for Time Management.  But, what you may ask, does important mean? 

Infinity. Fluidity. Balance. Trust. Strength.

Learning to do What Works

  Learning to do what works is to learn to have a practical mindset, but it is also to learn to be you.  Learning to be you is one of the most difficult challenges in life.  It is particularly difficult if to be you is to follow values that would normally be considered rational…in saner […]

Finding the Value Within in a Time of the Covid-19

A time of crisis sometimes brings out the best in people, but it also to bring out the worst.  As an individual, you will often be faced with the necessity of filtering and evaluating an extraordinary amount of conflicting data.  Very often the volume of the data and the conflicting messages and motivations will often […]

Building Self Trust during in a global pandemic or ANY crisis.

During a time of crisis, people to focus their attention on simple things that have a high practical value.  Things like face masks, that have a high value at any time in helping to protect against infection, are particularly dear in times of a global pandemic and health crisis.  People in positions of authority including […]