The Value of Seriousness and its undervaluing in American Society: The Challenge of Shinsei

Seriousness is the individual ability to assign value to important things.  Seriousness is the basis for Time Management.  But, what you may ask, does important mean? 

Infinity. Fluidity. Balance. Trust. Strength.

Learning to do What Works

  Learning to do what works is to learn to have a practical mindset, but it is also to learn to be you.  Learning to be you is one of the most difficult challenges in life.  It is particularly difficult if to be you is to follow values that would normally be considered rational…in saner […]

Building Self Trust during in a global pandemic or ANY crisis.

During a time of crisis, people to focus their attention on simple things that have a high practical value.  Things like face masks, that have a high value at any time in helping to protect against infection, are particularly dear in times of a global pandemic and health crisis.  People in positions of authority including […]

Quality, Competence, Professionalism, and Customer Service

Key performance indicators are directly related to basic business values.  Quality is a fundamental business value.  Unfortunately, most business leaders, managers, and employees do not communicate a clear idea of what constitutes quality largely because they do not have a clear idea of what that value is and how it is delivered.  This can be seen at every level business in every industry.  There are some companies that have developed reputations for superior customer service.  But, is that reputation deserved?  Is superior customer service delivered?

The Productive Mentality–Part Three

Many people stay fixed in their ways and stubbornly resist change. After a certain age, many people become so stubborn, that learning is virtually impossible.  This is one reason that many people (including employers) seek younger applicants.  The solution is not to be fearful of age or experience.  Experience and age are extremely valuable attributes.  […]

Customer Service = Business Profitability. © Copyright 2019 by Derek L. Evans—All Rights Reserved.

The Shinsei Method™ is a method of training.  It is derived loosely from the Japanese to mean:  shin, which is principle, being, or mind; and sei, which is life.  It is directed toward business and business managers because it is relatively easy to understand that the primary goal of business is profit and profitability.  When […]