Communicating Quality and Value (2)

Effective communication and effective training are based on quality, and quality is based on value.   The Shinsei Method™ was developed to underscore the importance of principle:  “Shin” is derived from Japanese to mean principle, being, mind; and “sei” is also derived from Japanese to mean “life,” for “life-principle.”  Simply put, the Shinsei Method™ is a […]

The Importance of Principle

It is unfortunate that principle is not emphasized more in learning, business, and life. Principles applies not just to academic pursuits, but they apply equally well to business and life. Principles can serve as guides that provide insight for understanding how something works like motion, weight, mass, or concentration. However, they can also provide a […]

Communicating Quality and Value

Value is communicated in various ways and at various levels.  However, typically communication is only understood to be only related to words.  To be sure, words are one form of communication, but often words are the least important form of communication.  As we see it at the Shinsei Institute of Training and Development ™ and with The Shinsei Method™: […]